Month: March 2014

Oscar Edition: Jared Leto Is Flawless

I didn’t think it was possible, but I finally watched an Academy Awards that did not upset me. As I watched last night, I was both amused by Ellen’s familiarity with the celebrity audience and moved by the most touching acceptance speeches. Actually, I was so happy with most of the awards last night that I  worried about not having anything to write about this morning. Fortunately for me, I can always spot the hot mess in any and everything.

Let’s get it!

1) The Academy for thinking that Disney’s Frozen deserved a Best Original Song Oscar.


I’m sure that I was not the only one rooting for Pharell’s “Happy” to take home the trophy.


Pharell’s performance of the hit song from Despicable Me 2 had everyone dancing out of their chairs. It’s just too bad that Academy voters thought Frozen‘s “Let It Go” was better….

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a crazy Disney fan, having watched every Disney animated musical. However, Frozen was neither that great of a film (yeah, I said it) nor that great of a musical. As posted before, the songs in the movie were absolutely basic. I didn’t even like “Let It Go” until I heard a couple of covers on Youtube.

p.s. If you disagree with me on this one, I would encourage you to revisit the Disney classics of the 1990s and early 2000s. Then, let me know if you still think Frozen is the “best movie since The Lion King.”

2) John Travolta for butchering Idina Menzel‘s name.


When I listened to John Travolta introduce Idina Menzel, I thought that he got her name wrong. However, I didn’t realize just how wrong he got it until this morning. I don’t know what Travolta was thinking when he introduced the broadway star as “Adele Dazeem.”

Watch the clip here —> 


At least Idina gave a breathtaking performance after that one…

3) Jennifer Lawrence for tripping at the Academy Awards AGAIN!


Personally, I am not obsessed with J. Law like everyone else. With that said, I do understand her appeal. She’s a cute girl with a pretty great personality, who knows when to laugh at herself.

Jennifer Lawrence Trips Again At The Oscars

Let’s just hope that she can begin to master the art of wearing a gown one day….lol

4) The Academy for not having Leonardo DiCaprio‘s back.


After being nominated 4 times, it’s such a shame that Leo’s never won an Oscar.

I did not see Dallas Buyers Club, but I did watch Matthew McConaughey’s transformation and have no problem with him taking home a Best Actor trophy. I just want Leo to WIN!

Anyways…I’m pretty sure Leo will be nominated for 4 more Oscars over the next few years. Maybe he will win then…

Side note: Can we talk about Matthew McConaughey’s acceptance speech?????

Watch here —-> Matthew McConaughey’s Oscar Acceptance Speech

He seriously lost me with this one, but at least he’s still cute. 🙂 lol

5) Jennifer Aniston for not having Brad Pitt‘s babies.


While watching the Oscars last night, all I could think about was how good Brad Pitt looked.


He looked good when he participated in Ellen’s Oscar selfie (top center behind big-head Bradley Cooper lol).


He looked good when he took a slice of pizza and when he gave Ellen money for the pizza.


He looked good when he clapped for Lupita’s win.


He looked good when he won his own Oscar for 12 Years A Slave.

He just looked good!

All I can say is that Angelina won that one. lol

BTWS, another guy that looked good last night was Jared Leto.


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